video & syllable!1: Record a 3 minute VIDEO. ( 2min 45sec - 3m 15sec)
2: Remember to use use voices & body language! 3: APPPLE phones please use CLIPPS app. (Use the filters / backgrounds for exciting videos) 4: ANDROID phones - please use any video app you like. 5: Remember you need to introduce yourself and your topic! 6: TOPIC: Summer Vacation Plans! 7: Writing: download the writing template from GRADED homework 3. 8: SYLLABLE COUNT: 350-360.
homework deadline1: There is going to be no proper class on THURSDAY AUGUST 1st.
2: The deadline for you video & syllable homework is IN CLASS. 3: Please bring ID CARD with you. 4: You will need to show me the video in class for about 5 minutes. syllable & audio homework - deadline 18 julynew country symbols!Remember you can research in 日本語 but please write in ENGLISH!
A: 15 Modern Symbols+ B: 15 Traditional Symbols+ C: Answers to 'A' on Page 20 (PDF) D: Answers to 'B' on page 20 (PDF) country symbol list!Country Syllable List!
1. 15+ Modern syllables of your country. 2: 15+ Traditional Symbols of your country. 3: Write a list in ENGLISH! 4. List can be: Computer / Paper / Smartphone 5: Bring to class! syllables + audio homework1: Write a 200 - 250 syllable review / introduction of your podcast location!
2: Record a 2 minute audio (1m 55 - 2:10m) of your podcast review + talk about yourself! DEADLINE: TUESDAY JUNE 13TH IN CLASS
I will be in Italy from Sunday May 19 to Sunday 26th May. If you have any questions please email me, but as I will be 7 hours BEHIND Japan it make take me a little time to reply.
deadline: in classWrite on your laptop computer or smartphone.
A. You need to write one paragraph about why you are studying at Hiroshima University and why you chose to study your faculty! B. Your message needs to be between 50 - 60 syllables Deadline - may 16thComplete Page 4 of the Podcast PDF - Reading / Listening
A. READ page 4. B. Choose the correct word. C. Listen to the ENW podcast news story and check your answers! Complete Page 5 of the Podcast PDF - Post Listening / Reading A. Write the answers. B. Write possible questions! enw podcast - deadline next class A. Choose ONE of the following ENW podcast episodes.
B. ENW 332 / ENW 208 / ENW 166. C. Print the PDF. D. Please complete - Warm Up 3 / Warm Up 4 / Pre-Reading 3 / English Extra 1 E. Please bring to our next class after Golden Week. |
me | JaimePlease email me if you any questions or problems. Course Information
This is a 'joint-class'. You have 16 classes in 8 weeks. 8 classes with me. I give you a grade & the other teacher gives you a grade = FINAL GRADE. If you miss more than 2 / 8 my classes = D Categories |